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Hotea Solutions

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Services Overview

This is a brief overview of our services - for more detailed information click on the headers below or on the sliding pictures on our Home Page

Program Management and Project Management - Consulting

We manage programs and projects for you. Do you have Software- or Hardware projects that you cannot or do not want to manage yourself? We have years of domestic and international experience in that area.
You want to create and manage your own Web-site, but don't know how to get started? We can help you get your domain name, find a web-host, create headers, footers and other common library items, create templates for your web-pages, create your first web-pages, put some of the pieces together for you, and show you how to do it yourself, if that's what you want.

Web-Design and Web-Development

You need help designing web-pages or web-solutions? We can help you with Design Consulting, Design Overviews, creating Program Requirements, implementing in-house-developed or purchased SW- or HW- modules like Mail systems, data-sharing packages, Forum-SW, etc., designing databases and more.
Web designers now have to think carefully about how their sites will work on various mobile devices.
All our HTML SW is written to the current W3C HTML and CSS standards and therefore compliant with all existing web-browsers.

Web Hosting

If you have a small web-site and do not want to purchase a whole web-hosting package from a web-hosting-provider? We can add your data to our web-server for a fraction of the cost you have to pay a web-hosting provider.
If you have a larger web-site - we deal with the web-hosting provider and configure the system for you.
If your web-site is even bigger and you want your own dedicated server - no problem - we have experience setting up web-servers and FTP servers dedicated to one or more web-sites

Web Management

You need somebody to take care of your whole web-site. Somebody to make sure you are not running out of space? Manage your Database(s) and E-mail accounts. Back up your data? Create a Secure web-site (SSL)? We can help you.

Cloud Migration and Cloud Support

You want to put your (web-) data or your whole data center on the Cloud? You want to make sure that your web-site can be accessed quickly around the world? We can show you how it works or do it for you.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

You want to make sure that your web-site is ranked high by Google, Yahoo, Bing, Ask, Lycos and other search engines? You want to place Ads with Google, Yahoo, Microsoft and other search engine providers? You want to make sure that your web-site is always picked up by search engines? Need help with creating key-words or any of the other tricks used by search engines? We can show you how it works or do it for you.

Graphic Design and Multimedia Support

You need pictures 'photo shopped' - slide-shows created, a movie produced or edited - a Flash-movie created - a DVD created? We know how to do this and can help.

Web Analytics

We can instrument your web-site with code that shows you who is viewing your web-site.
How long are they staying on your web-site, which pages are they viewing; where do they come from; who referred them; which devices do they use; What browsers are they using; which languages do they use; are there any general trends?, etc., etc.
This is very important information especially for commercial web-sites. Depending on the data gathered you might consider changing the content of some web pages, tailoring the web-site for different devices, adding or removing keywords, even translating web-pages into different languages to maximize your online-business.

Intranet Search Tuning and Optimization

Do you have a large set of files you need to search regulary (on-line or off-line)? Do you access data from certain web-sites frequently (e.g: Microsoft knowledgebase)? We can help you to optimize the time required to find the data you are looking for.

Public Internet Setup and Maintenance

We are experienced setting up wireless routers and computer equipment in public places and maintaining those sites for you. You want to be sure that you keep the hackers out of your systems, make the Internet only available to your customers, keep your system(s) healthy, prohibit downloads of software from the Internet by your customers on your equipment, install Internet filters and avoid frequent re-configuration of your equipment therefore maximizing uptime, whether you provide Internet service for the public in a coffee shop, a diner or any other venue.

Marketing Collateral, Photobooks, Flyers, Invitations, T-shirts, Baseball Caps, etc.

The title says it all - We create all these things for you - on paper or on-line. We also help you send individual or regular automated E-mail (for sales or other announcements, distribution of coupons or any other promotional material) to your customer base.

Coding Services

You need help writing code you are not familiar with? Ask us - most likely we will be able to help you there too.

Ad and Banner Management

You want to create ads or banners and place those on your own or other web-sites? You want to purchase keywords from Google? We help you do that and verify how successful those ads are (see Web Analytics above).

Anything else?

As you can see easily, we provide many services - not every service is applicable for everybody. And not every service can be listed. If you have a question - contact us and we will consult you.